A technological invention can have a big impact on future generations of inventors and innovators as it
inspires others to invent. More than a few influence both life and death – wonder drugs such as penicillin co-
exist with nuclear weapons. There is no doubt that inventions have a huge impact on all of us. Every day!
Whether we are aware of it or not.
If asked for an example of what you consider the five or ten greatest inventions of all time, what would be
your answer? Some might immediately name their individual favourites, while others struggle to decide on
just a few since there are so many!
It´s not getting any easier. If you take a moment to look at one of the numerous lists of amazing world- changing innovations – "35 Inventions That Changed the World" (1) or "Top 10 Inventions That Changed the World" (2), for example – which often mention the "big picture" items, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), penicillin, the wheel, and so on; the last 40 or 50 years have obviously seen an explosion of ingenious invention.
But what marks the start of an invention?
Admittedly, a pioneering invention can be the result of bare necessity or, let´s say, more or less utopian
ideas. Many examples can be found in literature and movies. We remember the surveillance technologies
George Orwell fears in his novel “1984”, written back in 1948, the menacing gadgets in Ian Fleming´s
famous “James Bond” novels, or the flying cars and seemingly human robots ("replicants") of the sci-fi movie
"Blade Runner".
Lots of technologies, when first published in literature, and maybe even some of those first discussed in
technological or scientific papers, sound too futuristic or even unrealistic at the time they are first proposed.
Some even sound far too unlikely to become part of "real life". But then they might come true in little or no
time, often benefitting generations to come. Viewers of Blade Runner might be interested to know that
Boeing tested a prototype flying car (3) very recently.

It is exactly these creative, visionary ideas and the skills of their bright inventors, along with the charismatic
and courageous people and companies who, with inexhaustible entrepreneurial spirit not only make them
happen but develop and expand their future potential.
Nevertheless, to make even the most brilliant idea come true, there are at least three equally important
ingredients that should be mentioned:
- Time
- Money
- Need – the demand for "total" solutions that then drives megatrends – the smartphone is one very
obvious example
As a company, we will continue to focus on advancing PAEK materials, related technologies and product offerings to contribute to future inventions and components with added value. In one of our next blog posts, we will take a closer look at the materials side of inventions. For now, I am interested to learn what you consider to be the top inventions of
all time! I would love to hear from you, so please drop me an email!
1) https://interestingengineering.com/35-inventions-that-changed-the-world
2) https://www.livescience.com/33749-top-10-inventions-changed-world.html
3) https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jan/24/flying-cars-boeing-lifts-off-in-race-to-revolutionise-travel
© Victrex plc. 2019. All rights reserved.
About the author
Barry Andrew is Sales Director at Victrex.
He joined the company in 2011, has a proven track record across multiple market sectors and holds an MBA in Marketing.